Monday, January 18, 2010

Getting old can be Fun!

So yes, I turned 26 years old on Jan 16th. I can remember back in the 'old days' when my BF and I would lay in bed and talk about our futures. Who we would marry, how many kids we both would have, where we would live. But one thing I remember most is talking about our age and when we thought we would get married or start having kids. We both said "I think 22 is a good age to get married and 23 to have kids." What we're we thinking??? I love being 26 and hope it's a great year!! My day was great... I woke up to fresh squeezed OJ and cinnamon rolls from my mom. Then I went to work for awhile, got home opened a present from my honey, went to dinner with my dear friends to Bonsai (best place ever), came home opened more presents from my love, watched Return to me, and then slept like a baby! Thanks everyone for all you did for me!

My first Quilt from my mom

The whole gang

This is how Bonsai sing to you on your birthday. It sounded pretty bad, but I loved it and thought it was SO funny!


Kaci said...

Happy Birthday Em!! Man you're getting old :) Just kidding because that would make me even older!

Erin Lee said...

Hahahahaha....that video kills me. We had so much fun!

Em said...

Happy Birthday! I loved the video. You guys are so funny!

melissa said...

WHAT THE??? WE HAVE THE SAME BIRTHDAY???? thats fantastic!!! and looks like you celebrated it way better too:).